Preble Hornets Fastpitch

Records & Honors
Team Records
Player Honors
Individual Awards
Ashley Wolfe - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL STATE TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Bridgette Beau - Sophomore - Catcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Hannah Smith - Sophomore - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Katie Geydoshek - Sophomore - Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM SECOND TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference CO-PLAYER-OF-THE-YEAR
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Samantha Foytik - Sophomore - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Tenley Kuehn - Freshman - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Bella Umentum - Sophomore - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Katie Geydoshek, Hannah Smith
JV - Sierra Krahn
Varsity - Katie Geydoshek
JV - Madi Schlag
Preble Pride
Varsity - Hannah Smith
JV - Claire Sieber
Most Improved
Varsity - Kaitlyn Duchateau
JV - Lilli Dennis, Macy Deny
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Ella Cotter, Cara Schauer
JV - Brianna Kraynik, Madi Schlag
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Sam Foytik, Bridgette Beau
JV - Bella Smits, Olivia Zawacki
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Bella Umentum
JV - Claire Sieber
Individual Awards
Ava DeBaker - Senior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM HONORABLE MENTION
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Brooke Hock - Senior - Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM SECOND TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference CO-PLAYER-OFF-THE-YEAR
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Madi Whitney - Senior -Catcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Melody Siudzinski - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Ashley Wolfe - Junior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Samantha Foytik - Sophomore - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Hannah Smith - Sophomore - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Brooke Hock, Madi Whitney, Melody Siudzinski
JV - Ella Cotter
Varsity - Brooke Hock, Ava DeBaker
JV - Bridgette Beau
Preble Pride
Varsity - Madi Whitney, Melody Siudzinski, Hannah Viles
JV - Cara Schauer, Olivia Zawacki, Bella Umentum
Most Improved
Varsity - Hannah Smith, Rylee Gowan
JV - Ava Rouleau
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Maggie Nicholson
JV - Bella Umentum
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Ashley Wolfe, Katie Geydoshek
JV - Brianna Kraynik, Lauren Prigge
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Kayleigh Kovacic
JV - Callie Pakkala, Claire Sieber
Individual Awards
Allly Eden - Senior - Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM HONORABLE MENTION
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL STATE TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL STAR TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference CO-PLAYER-OFF-THE-YEAR
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Eleanor Hoge - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL STATE TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL STAR TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference SECON TEAM
Gretchen Meier - Senior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL STAR TEAM
Ava DeBaker - Junior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM HONORABLE MENTION
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Brooke Hock - Junior - Pitcher
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Ariene Kollman - Junior - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Melody Siudzinski - Junior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Madi Whitney - Junior - Catcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Ashley Wolfe - Sophomore - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE SECOND TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Eleanor Hoge
JV - Kayleigh Kovacic, Anna Rouleau
Varsity - Ally Eden
JV - Rylee Gowan
Preble Pride
Varsity - Brooke Hock, Gretchen Meier
JV -Rylee Gowan, Anna Rouleau
Most Improved
Varsity - Ava DeBaker, Ariene Kollman
JV - Ella Chatham
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Eleanor Hoge, Gretchen Meier, Melody Siudzinski
JV - Lauren DeGrave
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Ally Eden, Brooke Hock, Madi Whitney, Ashley Wolfe
JV - Kaitlyn Duchateau
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Ava DeBaker, Melody Siudzinski
JV - Lauren Priggie, Jenna Smith
Individual Awards
Keegan Piton - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL STATE TEAM
Claire Price - Senior - Catcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL STATE TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Lydia Foytik
Keegan Piton
Claire Price
Individual Awards
Camryn Baenen - Senior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Maddy Danielski - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL STATE TEAM
Keegan Piton - Junior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Lydia Foytik - Junior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Claire Price - Junior - Catcher
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Ally Eden - Sophomore Pitcher
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Eleanor Hoge - Sophomore - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Brooke Hock - Freshman - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Camryn Baenen
JV - Gretchen Meier, Rachel Kugel
Varsity - Keegan Piton
JV - Gretchen Meier
Preble Pride
Varsity - Eleanor Hoge, Claire Price
JV -Kayleigh Kovacic
Most Improved
Varsity - Ava DeBaker, Madi Whitney, Brooke Hock
JV - Jacinda Myers, Sydney Claflin, Lexi Morales
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Brooke Hock
JV - Sydney Claflin
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Lydia Foytik
JV - Hannah Vlies, Rachel Kugel
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Claire Price
JV - Tiana LaPlante
Individual Awards
Brittany Baneck - Senior - Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL STATE FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL-STAR TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Fox River Classic Conference CO-PLAYER OF THE YEAR
Preble High School 2017-2018 “Peter Hamel Most Valuable Female Athlete Award”
Katie Kugel - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL-STAR TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference Team FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Preble High School 2017-2018 “Bill Dessart Leadership Award”
Evelyn Hoge - Senior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Kennedy Kingston - Senior - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Cassie Foytik - Senior - Catcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL-STAR TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference Team HONORABLE MENTION
Cameryn Koch - Senior Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference Team SECOND TEAM
Karly Renard - Senior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
Camryn Baenen - Junior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference Team HONORABLE MENTION
Keegan Piton - Sophomore - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference Team FIRST TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Brittany Baneck, Cassie Foytik, Evelyn Hoge, Kennedy Kingston, Katie Kugel
JV - Maddy Danielski, Claire Price, Samantha Wendt
Varsity - Brittany Baneck
JV - Talyn Bredael
Preble Pride
Varsity - Evelyn Hoge
JV -Sydney Claflin, Madi Metzler
Most Improved
Varsity - Ella Bialkowski, Lydia Foytik
JV - Zoey Sultan
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Brittany Baneck
JV - Kaitlyn Walls
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Brittany Baneck, Katie Kugel, Keegan Piton
JV - Samantha Wendt
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Camryn Baenen, Cameryn Koch, QiQi LeSage
JV - Sydney Claflin
Individual Awards
Janelle Wotruba - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM (HONORABLE MENTION)
Wi Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Kelsey Hanke - Senior - Pitcher/Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
Rachel Piontek - Senior - Pitcher/Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
JJ Chiles - Senior - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Cassie Foytik - Junior - Catcher
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference Team FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Brittany Baneck - Junior Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference Team SECOND TEAM
Karly Renard - Senior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
Katie Kugel - Junior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference Team HONORABLE MENTION
Keegan Piton - Freshman - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference Team SECOND TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Katie Kugel, Janelle Wotruba
JV - Alexus Otradovec
JV2 - Kyla Simpson
Varsity - Janelle Wotruba, Brittany Baneck
JV - Kendall Renard
Preble Pride
Varsity - Cassie Foytik
JV - QiQi LeSage
JV2 - Tessa Goosman
Most Improved
Varsity ~ Evelyn Hoge
JV ~ Abby Haanen, Amanda Kugel
JV2 ~ Jacinda Myers
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Camryn Baenen, Kelsey Hanke
JV - Talyn Bredael, Amanda Kugel
JV2 - Tessa Goosman
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Katie Kugel, Brittany Baneck, Janelle Wotruba
JV - Claire Price, QiQi LeSage, Nikki Kiley
JV2 ~ Andrea Hernandez
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Evelyn Hoge, Keegan Piton
JV - Alexus Otradovec
JV2 - Kyla Simpson
Individual Awards
Kaylen Krueger - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL STATE FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL-STAR TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association-ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
National Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL-AMERICAN THIRD TEAM
National Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL-REGION FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference CO-PLAYER OF THE YEAR
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Megan Timmers - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL-STAR TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association-ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
National Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL-REGION FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Jenny Kinjerski - Senior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association-ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
Maddy Verheyden - Senior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association-ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
J’Annah Chiles - Junior - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Rachel Piontek - Junior - Pitcher
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Brittany Baneck - Sophomore - Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association-All District Team HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Kennedy Kingston - Sophomore - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Katie Kugel - Sophomore - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Kaylen Krueger, Megan Timmers, Katie Kugel
JV ~ Evelyn Hoge
JV2 ~ Emma Mueller
Varsity - Kaylen Krueger, Brittany Baneck, Megan Timmers
JV ~ Evelyn Hoge, Brynne Luther
JV2 ~ Alyce Bennett
Preble Pride
Varsity ~ Maddy Verheyden
JV ~ Savannah Manislovich
JV2 ~ Amanda Kugel
Most Improved
Varsity ~ Brittany Baneck
JV ~ Qiana LeSage, Allison Prosser
JV2 ~ Leslie Carmona
Hornet Fever
Varsity ~ Camryn Baenen
JV ~ Alexus Otradovec
JV2 ~ Amanda Kugel
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity ~ Kelsey Hanke
JV ~ Cameryn Koch
JV2 ~ Leslie Carmona
Humble Hornet
Varsity ~ Jenny Kinjerski
JV ~ Paige Johnson
JV2 ~ Maddy Danielski
Individual Awards
Kaylee Francois - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE SECOND TEAM
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL-STAR TEAM
National Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL REGION SECOND TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
McKenna Wall - Senior - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference 2ND TEAM
Ashley Summers - Senior - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Kaylen Krueger - Junior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
National Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL-AMERICAN THIRRD TEAM
National Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL-REGION FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Megan Timmers - Junior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Rachel Piontek - Sophomore - Pitcher
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Cassie Foytik - Freshman - Catcher
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Katie Kugel - Freshman - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Kaylee Francois
JV ~ Maddy Verheyden
Freshman ~ Cameryn Koch
Varsity - Megan Timmers, Rachel Piontek
JV ~ Kelsey Hanke
Freshman ~ Emily Conard
Preble Pride
Varsity ~ Ashley Summers, McKenna Wall
JV ~ Jasmine Manislovich
Freshman ~ Savannah Manislovich
Most Improved
Varsity ~ Janelle Wotruba
JV ~ Meghan Bannow
Freshman ~ Ali Prosser
Hornet Fever
Varsity ~ Amanda Baneck
JV ~ JJ Chiles
Freshman ~ Savannah Manislovich, Emily Conard
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity ~ Kaylen Krueger, Katie Kugel, Cassie Foytik
JV ~ Bridget Nicholson
Freshman ~ Evelyn Hoge
Humble Hornet
Varsity ~ Megan Timmers
JV ~ Paige Johnson
Freshman ~ Cameryn Koch
Individual Awards
Anna Conard - Senior - Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM HONORABLE MENTION
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL STATE TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL STAR TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference CO-PLAYER OF THE YEAR
Payton Sampson - Senior - Catcher/Utility
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL STATE TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association SENIOR ALL STAR TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Kassidy Koch - Senior - Catcher
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Nicole Mottl - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ACADEMIC ALL-STATE TEAM
Kaylee Francois - Junior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA SECOND TEAM
McKenna Wall - Junior - Outfield
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA THIRRD TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Kaylen Krueger - Sophomore - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Megan Timmers - Sophomore - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Kaylee Francois, Payton Sampson
JV - Gabby Birkholz
Freshman - Paige Johnson
Varsity - Anna Conard
JV - Kelsey Hanke
Freshman - Sidney Heim
Preble Pride
Varsity - Nicole Mottl
JV - Sofia Schabel
Freshman - Meghan Bannow
Most Improved
Varsity - McKenna Wall
JV - Bridget Nicholson
Freshman - Lexi Kane
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Megan Timmers, Ashley Summers
JV - Jasmine Manislovich
Freshman - Katie Warpinski
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Kaylen Krueger
JV - Maddy Verheyden
Freshman - Sidney Heim
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Kassidy Koch
JV - Natalie Majkowski
Freshman - Jennifer Shaw
Individual Awards
Hannah Pennings - Senior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Anna Conard - Junior - Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM HONORABLE MENTION
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference CO-PLAYER OF THE YEAR
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Payton Sampson - Junior - Catcher/Utility
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Kassidy Koch - Junior - Catcher
Green Bay Press Gazette SECOND TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Kaylee Francois - Sophomore - Infield
WI Fastpitch Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA SECOND TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Hannah Pennings, Anna Conard, Payton Sampson
JV - Erica Rollin, Stacy Falk
Freshman - Maddy Verheyden
Varsity - Anna Conard
JV - Abby Wendt
Freshman - Jasmine Manislovich
Preble Pride
Varsity - Nicole Mottl
JV - Jamie Musial
Freshman - Natalie Majkowski
Most Improved
Varsity - Megan Timmers, McKenna Wall
JV - Megan Schoenauer
Freshman - Bridget Nicolson, Peyton Phillips
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Megan Timmers, Kaylee Francois
JV - Gabby Garcia
Freshman - Sofia Schabel
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Payton Sampson, Anna Conard
JV - Stacy Falk
Freshman - Brianna Gaulke
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Jessica Kiley, Kassidy Koch
JV - McKenzie Duchateau
Freshman - Kelsey Brown
Individual Awards
Emily Standa - Senior - Pitcher
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA SECOND TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Kenzie Perttu - Senior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Nicole Kozlovsky - Senior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Payton Sampson - Sophomore - Catcher
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Anna Conard - Sophomore - Utility
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Kaylee Francois - Freshmen - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Nicole Kozlovsky, Taylor Michels, Kenzie Perttu
JV - Elizabeth Heckenlaible, Jamie Musial, Heather Rebman
Freshman - Gabby Birkholz
Varsity - Kenzie Perttu, Payton Sampson, Emily Standa
JV - Heather Rebman
Freshman - Ashley Summers
Preble Pride
Varsity - Katie Groeschel
JV - Nicole Mottl, Nicole Musial, Caitlyn Phillips
Freshman - McKenzie DuChateau
Most Improved
Varsity - Kaylee Francois, Jessica Kiley, McKenna Wall
JV - Alli Curtis
Freshman - Alli Curtis
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Hannah Pennings
JV - Abby Wendt
Freshman - Stacy Falk
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Anna Conard, Kassidy Koch, Payton Sampson
JV - Elizabeth Heckenlaible
Freshman - Erica Rollin
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Chelsea Conard
JV - Nicole Musial
Freshman - Tia Abts
Individual Awards
Corissa Burkart - Senior - Pitcher
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Kaitlyn Jacobs - Senior - Infield
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Kenzie Perttu - Junior - Outfield
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Emily Standa - Junior - Pitcher
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Payton Sampson - Freshmen - Catcher
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Corissa Burkart
JV - Katie Groeschel
Freshman - Katie Groeschel
Varsity - Corissa Burkart, Kaitlyn Jacobs, Kenzi Perttu
JV - Katie Groeschel
Freshman - Nicole Musial, Heather Rebman
Preble Pride
Varsity - Kayla Paul
JV - Sabrina Steinbrecher
Freshman - Nicole Mottl
Most Improved
Varsity - Kassidy Koch
JV - Abigail Englebert
Freshman - Evelyn Calderon
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Jessica Kiley
JV - Caitlyn Phillips
Freshman - MacKayla Schaetz
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Payton Sampson
JV - Elizabeth Heckenlaible
Freshman - Nicole Musial
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Nicole Kozlovsky
JV - Rachael Rebman
Freshman - Abby Wendt
Individual Awards
Morgan Martens - Senior - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE (HONORABLE MENTION)
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Kylie Watzka - Senior - Outfield
Green Bay Press Gazette ALL AREA FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Carly Sobrilsky - Freshmen - Catcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity -
JV -
Varsity -
JV -
Preble Pride
Varsity -
JV -
Most Improved
Varsity -
JV -
Hornet Fever
Varsity -
JV -
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity -
JV -
Humble Hornet
Varsity -
JV -
Individual Awards
Lauren Prigge - Senior - DP
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Bella Umentum - Junior - Flex
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Hannah Smith - Junior - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference SECOND TEAM
Katie Geydoshek - Junior - Pitcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM SECOND TEAM
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference CO-PLAYER-OF-THE-YEAR
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Samantha Foytik - Junior - Catcher
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL STATE TEAM HONORABLE MENTION
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM (UNANIMOUS)
Cara Schauer - Junior - Outfield
Fox River Classic Conference HONORABLE MENTION
Tenley Kuehn - Sophomore - Utility
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Chloe Savage - Sophomore - Outfield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT HONORABLE MENTION
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Hannah Von Haden - Sophomore - Infield
WI Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association ALL DISTRICT FIRST TEAM
Fox River Classic Conference FIRST TEAM
Team Awards
Team Captain
Varsity - Katie Geydoshek, Hannah Smith, Makenna Weidner
JV - Madi Schlag
Varsity - Katie Geydoshek
JV - Madi Schlag, Ayla Rozz
Preble Pride
Varsity - Lauren Prigge, Hannah Smith, Lilli Denis
JV - Claire Sieber
Most Improved
Varsity - Cara Schauer, Hannah Von Haden
JV - Camila Kolarik
Hornet Fever
Varsity - Lauren Prigge, Kaitlyn Duchateau
JV - Callie Schauer
Hornet Heartbeat
Varsity - Sam Foytik, Tenley Kuehn
JV - Bella Smits
Humble Hornet
Varsity - Bella Umentum, Sierra Krahn
JV - Izzy Garcia